Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Zocor Lawsuit Update

courtroom gavelAs more and more potential pharmaceutical lawsuits begin to pour in, they are being thoroughly studied by Zocor attorneys. What the lawyers are seeking, is persons living within the U.S. that have been diagnosed with conditions possibly associated with Zocor such as intense muscle problems, myopathy & rhabdomyolysis.

Most recently, continued controversy over potentially serious Zocor side effects has allowed hundreds of Zocor lawsuits to be filed against the statin drug's manufacturer, Merck. Moving forward, these pharmaceutical injury cases will be tried as individual Zocor lawsuits or they can also consolidated into what is known in the legal field as multidistrict litigation or MDL's. For case types such as this, multidistric litigation would be preferable to the plaintiff's as it allows the plaintiff attorneys to obtain and study any evident related to Zocor muscle injuries. This portion of pre-trial where attorney's are allowed to request information from Merck and vice versa is what's called the discovery phase, its purpose is to help avoid duplicitous work on either sides.

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